Made and designed in California, minnow is a contemporary children’s swimwear label that embraces clean lines and simple details. It is timeless yet modern, playful and polished and is one of my favorite brands to put on my girls all summer long. Morgan is the founder and I have long appreciated her hustle. I love her dedication to her work and her family and I also love that she just picked up and went to the other coast to set up minnow’s east coast hub. During this time at home and unprecedented current events (at least in my lifetime) it is comforting to know that we are in it together. Mothering and working in these conditions have pressed us to new heights mentally, physically, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and lending support in the way of sharing our stories is meaningful and powerful. Love what Morgan has to say… read below for a glimpse into life at home with Morgan Smith.

Tell us about who you are, your family, what you do for a living… and a little bit about how current events have affected those things.
My name is Morgan Smith and I am the founder of minnow, a children’s swim + resort label. We launched our business from Newport Beach, CA although currently living in Charleston, SC opening up our east coast hub. While in the lowcountry, my husband and our three kids (Theo -6, Georgia – 3, and Julian – 5 months) are enjoying our new family adventure.

The majority of my team already works remote, so in that regard, we were prepared for this, very familiar with Zoom. Yet, the setbacks of coronavirus is that the majority of our production iis in Los Angeles has been put on hold, pop ups and events halted and of course so many trips cancelled. There are silver linings, like getting more of a maternity leave with my newborn that I wouldn’t have been able to take running a business, but also there is the daily conundrum of what I am going to do with my two other kids!

How have you had to innovate your work/home life in order to continue (best you can) to work and function with new parameters?
Occasionally, I sneak away to our empty office throughout the week for a few hours with my baby, no one is there so it’s completely empty and I have zero human interaction. When it’s just me and the baby there for some quiet time it ALMOST feels like a vacation 😉

Have you explained what’s happening to your kids? If so, elaborate and if not, give tips on how to keep the status quo going for extended periods of time…
My 5 and 3 year-old know about the virus and all this time with mom and dad doesn’t seem to bother them one bit! Living in South Carolina, we have more space than we did in CA (an actual yard, for the first time ever!) so that has been a huge blessing in getting outside daily with a trampoline and a garden.
Homeschooling is new to most moms… do you have any tips on how did your family handle distance learning…
Luckily my 5 year old loves doing his homeschool work. I’ll jump in and guide but he was pretty independent. He is only in kindergarten and whatever material he can get through is great.
I don’t put guilt on myself here. Keeping everyone happy and sane is really #1.
What fun things have you been doing with the kids while at home to keep them occupied and a sense of calm/normalcy? Share your “normal” routine…
We like to play golf cart bingo throughout the neighborhood. We hop on the golf cart, which feels good for fresh air, I’ll make a DIY board of things to spot and then bring goldfish or a snack to mark off their sightings. First one to call bingo gets a surprise/treat at home.
Cooking has quickly become very important – how and where are you getting new ideas for meals? Can you share some of your favorites? Do you have any hacks, favorite places for takeout?
I said in an interview not too long ago that if I had more time, I would cook more and plant a garden. Ha! Well, here I am, trying to live up to my words. We ordered a garden box from home depot (free delivery) and planted some herbs and veggies. I also have been ordering cooking boxes from Hello Fresh and a local farm, to spark some easy creativity into new meals.

How are you taking care of your mental health?
I’m trying to get out for a jog/walk by myself at least every other morning, or if I can’t go alone then a stroller walk with just the baby where I leave my phone to clear my head and not look at the news / instagram / work emails.

What boundaries have you set with news and social media as well as conversations you’re willing to engage in to protect your mental health?
Great question, I think it’s crucial for sanity to limit your news time (I don’t watch the news on TV bc the kids are always around, but I do check on my phone and computer so I try to skip a day on and off) and also be conscious of where I am getting my information.
How long did it take for you to shift your outlook- in order to produce something meaningful like your work, or photography or something creative in the midst of a low.
This spring, pre-quarantine, we launched our Spring 2020 garden collection. I feel incredibly grateful (maybe inspired) that our collection is encouraging people to be outdoors in their gardens and backyards. We actually had custom wildflower seeds in the works to send in press packages, and we quickly shifted gears when the lockdown hit and said these seeds need to be going to our customers! So with every order in March during quarantine we sent wildflower seeds to plant in their gardens.

I told my team that the messages we are putting out now needs to be more thoughtful and more purposeful than ever. We’re in this together, truly. minnow’s motto is ‘sunshine awaits’, this has never rang more true than now! We want to be here to bring hope and reminders that sunshine is coming, hard to see in the moment, but we all will enjoy those warm memories and special trips again. I’m praying sooner rather than later!
Is there a mantra or saying that has been helping you get through?
On my morning jog/walk my quarantine theme song has been “higher love” by Whitney Houston

Give us one of each of the following that you have vetted and can recommend::
Movie: Shawshank Redemption (we all need some hope 😉
Baking Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies
the world’s best chocolate chip cookie.
Kids Snack:
Avocado Toast for Georgia
Smoothie for Theo
Favorite YouTube channel:
Online shopping:
Shopbop, Maisonette, Lake Pajamas
What are you wearing these days:)? Give us some of your favorite go-tos.
I get dressed everyday. I am actually not a loungewear/activewear outside the house person. So, to feel normal, I put on real clothes (usually a dress because it’s warm here) to make me feel like I can tackle the day – the makeup doesn’t quite always happen.
Have you taken time to do any extra pampering at night with a bath and extra skincare or other things?
Yes! I have actually never done more masks in my life, a great self-care pick me up! @greatthingsibought is the mask queen for great recs on skincare.
What are some silver linings you see coming out to the other side of this time? Personally and culturally.
I think we all will have a greater appreciation for the things that matter to us, we’ve defined what is important – first being our health and our families. And also realizing how fragile and unstable life can be.
As a small business owner, I already feel such a deeper empathy for businesses and really the economy in general. I know the kind of passion and hard work these businesses have put in and sacrificed, I feel for their devastation in this and I also feel a sense of duty to be supportive and be there for each other.
Give a piece of advice on how to deal with this current situation?… anything that has helped you.
I make my bed every day, it makes a big difference for me. I try and set the table for dinner most nights so it feels special. I try to plan one “new activity” for the weekend to get excited for. One weekend we planted a garden, before the boat ramps closed we took out a boat. Just something that felt “new and different” to spice up the routine.

How can we support you?
Supporting small business! Order for backyard play or plan for the sunshine ahead:

Where can we follow you:)?