First Year Favorites – The Ultimate Baby Registry

Registering for a baby was one of the most daunting things. How was I supposed to register for someone that I hadn’t met yet!? I had absolutely zero idea what life was going to be like with my daughter. Will I take her on long walks in a jogger- or maybe she gets fussy on walks? Will I need the best formula maker in case I can’t produce breast milk? What kind of toys will she like most?

There are millions of products out there that all seem extremely useful- how was I supposed to narrow it down!? This first year has been full of fun surprises. While I did a lot of research of the best products out there before Maude was born, I still didn’t use so many things. With 1 year under my belt I thought I could share some of my first year favorite things. I also asked my friends (and family members) who have had kids recently their top “musts” for registering. I’m hoping this creates the ultimate dream registry for those of you with a bun in the oven!


1. Dock A Tot: I used this religiously! I started by sleeping with Maude in the bed and so this allowed me to have her between me and my husband without the fear of rolling over. It was also great for putting her on the couch to nap and allowed for an easy transition into the crib as well.

2. Baby Brezza Formula Pro: When my friend Maire told me about this machine I was skeptical because it seemed like just a waste of space and unnecessary. When I stopped breastfeeding and started using it I couldn’t even imagine scooping formula and shaking it and heating the bottle. This is like a Nespresso machines for formula. Once I stopped breastfeeding this thing became my very best friend.

3. Skip Hop Silver Lining Activity Center: I love this table and the fact that it isn’t terrible looking makes me love it even more. It was so nice having Maude in there while I cooked in the kitchen. Now it transforms into a table so she can sit at it when she gets a little bit older.


1. Marpac Rohm Portable White Noise Machine for Travel: This on-the-go sound machine is a must! You can attach it to the outside of your car seat and it creates the perfect nap environment on the go, and block out external noise too.

2. Best Nursing Bra: So many nursing bras don’t have any shape, and things can get ugly! Since underwire bras can cause plugged ducts, you’re kind of stuck in training bra types. This is a nice compromise- it has a little shape and doesn’t risk any clogs! Price is right too.

3. Lansinoh Hot or Cold Therapy Pack: These are helpful for nursing too. I have two sets- one for the freezer and one to microwave. I use the freezer one to wrap around bottles on the go, and the hot ones before I pump. In the early days when you feel constantly engorged, the heat brings relief.


1. Doona Car Seat Stroller: The doona car seat was light and made running around easy. It was amazing to travel with as we never had to worry about bringing an age appropriate car seat or separate stroller.

2. BabyBjorn Bouncer: The bouncer was so easy to move around the house and it also folded flat which made it really easy to travel with too


1. Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder: I love these Fresh Food Feeders because you can use them for teething, introducing food, and snacking on the go, amongst other things. If your baby is teething, freeze some breast milk or formula in ice cube trays and use these for your baby to suck on. For introducing food, these are great for fruits and vegetables; your baby can gnaw on the same snack for what seems like forever, at least in “parent time”! They’re dishwasher friendly, easy to clean, and very convenient. We reached for these for months!

2. Homedics Sound Machine: This sound machine has been a game changer with a new baby in the house. We’ve become so attached to it, I wouldn’t be surprised if my daughter takes it to college with her. With its various noise settings, it helps mimic the sounds of the womb, making it easier for your little one to adapt to life on the outside and being able to get some much needed rest. It also helps block out noise, so you don’t have to whisper or tiptoe during his or her sleeping hours. We travel with it, have an extra one at the grandparents’ house, and a back up in our own house just in case of an “emergency”…that’s how much we love it!


1. BabyBjorn Bouncer: You need somewhere to put your baby as your arms are very full and this chair is a great easy way to get them to sleep! I was worried about having a swing out with a toddler running around. I also love it because it’s easy to store (small and compact). My house is small and already overrun with kid stuff so I didn’t want a ton of baby gear out the second time around!

2. Ameda Mya Pump: It’s tiny cordless and really quiet. If nursing it’s a game changer!


1. Solly Wrap: One of my favorite items for babies up to 20ish lbs, the Solly wrap makes being hands-free super easy while baby is cozy, happy and close to mom!

2. Como Tomo Bottles: By far the best bottles, super easy to clean and replace parts as needed. Just like boobies when the real deal is unavailable. The company will even send you lids you’ve lost along the way for free!


1. Lamb Swing: This swing always managed to soothe both my babies and rock them to sleep. It allowed me to get things done around the house while having an eye on them.

2. Kickee Pants: I love how soft and comfortable these are for the baby. The zipper also makes it easily accessible to change them and the footies are nice because they keep them warm.